
Relational Equity

September 22, 2014

Shh…ListenTruth or Myth: There are millions of people that are waiting on your company to post your next great Tweet, Post, IG or Pin about your product or service that will motivate them to buy said product or service?If your answered Truth, consider this:

  • 53% of People on Twitter Recommend Products in Their Tweets
  • 93% of Shoppers Buying Decisions are Influenced by Social Media
  • 90% of Consumers Trust Peer Recommendations
  • Only 14% Trust Advertisements

Arguably, without your customers your have no business. So, who’s content is more important…you or your customers?  Don’t hear what I’m not saying.  Creating good content is critical for your brand.  I just want to know what you’re doing to listen to what your clients are saying? Not to sell to them, but to INVEST in them.As organizations grow it becomes more difficult to manage relationships, causing individuals to feel lost and unloved.  (That could be your customers and/or your employees.)  In an effort to find community our culture posts their lives online for all to see. How are you making your people feel loved based on what they share online about themselves?We’re all looking for that great engagement from our Followers online.  I would argue that becoming an advocate for your clients is the highest form of engagement.  You’re talking about them!!!  We have to learn to listen in order to be heard.I challenge you, that when you’re done reading this, go to the digital platform that you’re most comfortable with and listen for key events, stories or questions coming from the people you depend on for your company’s sustainability.  JUST LISTEN!  Give your self a new reason to go online.  Then be intentional with that information that you’ve just gleaned.

  • Write a personal note in response
  • Send a quick gift card based on where someone likes to eat
  • Connect 2 people together
  • Start a campaign online from your account in support of a cause or event that is important to them

Move, just a little, from your accounts being a megaphone, to being an antennae.  Your reception will be AMAZING!!This guest post is written by Van Baird, founder of Relational Equity. Van is an entrepreneur that loves helping other entrepreneurs and recently taught a workshop at the Village. After dumping “traditional” marketing efforts in his State Farm office for 100% Social Media and referral driven marketing, his revenue increased 60% and his closing ratio went from 25% to 80%. You can follow him on Twitter here.

September 22, 2014
Karen Houghton