
Open Letter To Every Girl: Please, Learn How To Code

April 5, 2017

Andrea Walsh, the CIO of Isentia, has 20 years experience in tech. Here, she writes an open letter to women asking them to learn how to code:At last count there was more than 6,500 languages spoken in the world, yet there is one that unites us all: code. If there is a single piece of career advice I would give to any young girl (or woman for that matter) it would be, unequivocally, to learn how to code.I am fortunate enough to be one of the few female CIO’s in Australia and I would love to be surrounded by more women. The problem is, the pipeline is a little thin. This is not only disappointing for the industry, it is a travesty for those women who are missing out on being a part of one of the most exciting, challenging and exhilarating industries there is to work in.


Cloud computing, tablets and smartphones have already transformed how we live and work, but the best is yet to come.

We are on the cusp of a technological revolution.

Soon eye-tracking technology will allow us to control tablet devices with a simple eye movement. We will arrive at work in driverless cars. Smartphones will evolve from mobile computers to revolutionary devices with integrated laser that will turn flat surfaces into touchscreens and with built-in GPS systems so accurate they will measure to the closest centimeter. Before long every family will have their own 3D printing with the ability to custom design everything from iPhone cases to ornaments.At a time when the tech industry is exploding, sadly there are virtually no women coming through the ranks. Each year IT advisory firm Gartner conducts the world’s largest CIO survey to track senior IT leaders around the globe. Disappointingly, the percentage of women CIO’s recorded in the survey has remained largely static since 2004.This is more than just a little distressing. It is bad for the industry, and even worse for the economy.We know intuitively that diversity matters and research has affirmed this thinking time and time again. For example, in 2015 McKinsey published the Diversity dividend highlighting that gender-diverse companies are 15% more likely to outperform others. Perhaps even more interesting to note is that half of the companies listed in the Fortune 10 are women. With technology now an integral of any businesses’ success, surely this healthy representation of women in leadership and obvious return is no coincidence?

Let's encourage our young women to pursue a path in technology - and learn how to code
Let’s encourage our young women to pursue a path in technology – and learn how to code

As a woman passionate about the contribution females make to the industry, I am heartened by this promise of progress with the big players. But we still have a long way to go.  If the industry as a whole does not change, it won’t reach it’s full potential


So should every other 8-year-old girl in the country. Digital literacy should be as important as any other form of literacy. We need to generate a movement like Michelle Obama’s #builtbygirls campaign in the US, where all young girls are encouraged to engage with technology early and stay ‘hooked’. We need to make sure coding is no longer relegated to the domain of boys.We also need to ensure that women in the industry are remunerated appropriately. The good news is, as far as other industries go the tech sector is faring considerably well. A 2016 report showed that women in technology are paid 8% less than their male counterparts. While parity is still yet to be achieved this is a significant milestone for the industry when across all sectors the national gender pay gap sits at around 16%.If the industry can see the value women bring and we are bridging the gap in pay scales at a much faster rate than other sectors, why are we attracting so few women into the field? Campaigner for women in tech, Melinda Gates, has defined the problem as a ‘the leaky pipehole’ that sees females veer away from a technology career pathway as they move through primary school, high school, University and then into the industry. In the US, 57% of professional occupations are held by women, however, females are represented in just 25% of computing jobs.Although it is clear that we have a problem on our hands, we have many reasons to remain optimistic. Women like Gates and her comrades – Sheryl Sandberg, Marissa Meyer and Diane Green – are all working to encourage more women into the field. But there’s still work to do. As a woman who has been fortunate enough to enjoy an enduring, challenging and meaningful career in tech despite the unfavorable odds, I am extremely passionate about seeing other women benefit from the technology explosion and embark on a career in what I can only describe as one of the most exciting, well-paid and sustainable sectors there is.If you are lucky enough to work in this exciting industry, please share your stories of success with our girls and inspire them. Keeping them engaged will help us achieve the diversity in thinking needed to use technology to solve some of the greatest problems.Next time a girl asks you for career advice, please share that the secret to future success is simple: learn to code.Best,Andrea

Andrea Walsh, author of the Open Letter To encourage every girl to code
Andrea Walsh

This article first appeared on Women Love Tech.  Women Love Tech is an award-winning lifestyle technology site for women. It features career advice, news, reviews, amazing apps and cool gadgets. Their mission is to make technology easy and fun.

April 5, 2017
Karen Houghton