Growing Together From Seed To Service: Farm'd

The food industry is a hot topic these days. From GMOS and organic certifications, to the way food is transferred to sellers. The demand for food is at an all high and it doesn’t seem to be trending down. The process from seller to buyer should be seamless at this point, considering we’ve been eating for 2,000+ years, but there is so much room for improvement.Founder of Farm’d, Chris Damico, is doing something about this problem - and right here in Georgia! Farm’d is creating a seamless process, using technology, to connect farmers with chefs.
What is Farm'd ?
Farm’d is a digital community that directly connects farmers to chefs. The idea was born out of a frustration I had with the lack of transparency in the marketplace in dealing with too many suppliers while in the restaurant business. We've had a lot of enthusiasm from the food and agriculture community and we’re pumped about our initial community members.
What is your favorite part about Farm'd?
Building a community around innovators like chefs and farmers that previously weren't connected in a way they should be. Watching this community come together is really amazing.
What is the problem you are trying to solve and how?
I think to survive as human beings; having a sustainable food system is the only answer. At Farm'd, we want to redeem the food supply chain.I feel like it was hijacked and has been disconnected by big business and other forces. Pre-World War II, all the food we ate came from our neighbors and community. Now, consumers and chefs have no clue where their food is coming from or how it was farmed.We want to leverage our community marketplace (Farm’d) to reconnect that. Farm’d is solving this issue by building a community platform to reconnect these two groups, allowing them to collaborate, transact, and prosper the way God intended.
What do you love most about being in the Village?
Everything! It aligns with what we are about; building a community, being a community, and the culture of big ideas and paying the way forward. It embodies everything that we believe in, our purpose, vision, and mission.
Any words of wisdom for other entrepreneurs?
Just keep believing that it can be done! You can accomplish it. Nothing is too big. You can still change the world, and if it's not you, then it will be someone else.
Farm’d is using technology of today to bring back the humbleness of the past and redeeming the food supply chain. We can get behind that.