
Community Means Relationships

July 1, 2013

At Atlanta Tech Village we often talk about creating community. We want to be a place that is great because of our members and an environment that is amazing because of the people within it. The longer I am a Community Manager, the more aware I am that while the space is important, building community is more about relationships than anything else. And building relationships is something I love.Providing snacks aren’t just about putting food in the kitchen. I know Melissa loves Cool Ranch Dorritos, and Devon wants the shrimp flavored Cup o Noodles. I know Greg is gluten-free and loves our fruit snacks and Fritos. I love stopping by on a late Saturday night and saying hello to our favorite ATV couple, Jon and Anna, playing ping pong. I know Jane’s son ended up not getting drafted to go back overseas, and that Jamie and Adam are both engaged and planning weddings. I can plan on Eric, Adam, and Gareth playing the best pranks and I loved hearing that George and his wife had their baby girl. I know that if I need to ask for help, Peter C. is the guy to ask, and Kashi is the go-to for anything I want to know on the music scene. I know Michelle had a great trip to London and when Peter A. gets to travel to check out another ranch. This list could go on and on. Our members are a community and a place where I think many of us are becoming friends.So yes, we talk about building companies, doing demos and raising funding. We provide meet ups and learning opportunities and professional events. I watch people develop code, get big wins and weather through some losses. It can be the little things or the big, but they are all what help to create a deeper community. These relationships allow us to celebrate all successes with our startups, professional and personal. Because after all, that is often a blended line with entrepreneurs anyway, right?

July 1, 2013
Karen Houghton