Atlanta Startup Village #47

If you haven’t attended an Atlanta Startup Village, then you are missing the largest monthly gathering of entrepreneurs in the Southeast. A simple format of free beer, 30 minutes of networking, and local startups giving five-minute pitches draws 300+ people each month, with another 150+ watching the live stream. It’s an incredible event at one of the largest tech centers that brings together not only the largest tech incubators and accelerators but also the entire Atlanta tech community and gives an up-close look at some of the technology coming out of our city.Make sure you join the meetup page and check out the details below. We hope to see you there!
Monday, April 24, 2017
Starting Time:
Beer flows at 7:00 p.m., presentations start at 7:30 p.m.
Event Center at Atlanta Tech Village (Parking is $2/hr)
Who should come:
Anyone who wants to be constructive, respectful, pay it forward and learn about the Atlanta Startup Community.
We’re pleased to announce the presenters of Atlanta Startup Village #47:
SkilRoute is online learning brings the Instagram analytics you've been waiting for!Netify provides prototype development and business strategy consulting.inSITE is fundamentally changing the way organizations share information.Shotzy provides Pro Photographers on-demand.
A big shoutout to our amazing sponsors:Hypepotamus is an eternal sponsor from their initial and continued support of Atlanta Startup Village.SalesLoft is also an eternal sponsor of Atlanta Startup Village from their initial and continued support from the genesis.About Atlanta Startup Village:Atlanta Startup Village is hosted by Aly Merritt of SalesLoft, in coordination with Atlanta Tech Village. We’d like to also extend thanks to Jon Birdsong of WideAngle for his five years of intense dedication to #ATLSV!