Village Workshop: Learning the Language of Decision
Scientists proved in 2006 that human beings make decisions based on emotion and justify them with logic and reason. Yet, so many of our conversations in the business world are based on logic, facts and information. What if you could elevate your conversations from Facts to Meaning and Emotion, and learn the Language of Decision? David Kurkjian is here to show you what that means.
Key Takeaways: You will learn how our brains make decisions and the 7 elements of communication that move us to take action. Specifically this workshop will focus on the use of personal stories and reframes. Personal stories are used to build trust, rapport and memory specific to the impact of your product/service on the world of your prospect. Reframes are used to overcome objections in the sales process that are based on bias and opinion. You’ll walk out of the workshop with your own story and the ability to overcome the most common objection to buying your product or service. The same principles can also be used to overcome investor indecision and objections.
This workshop is for members of Atlanta Tech Village only.
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