
Village Workshop - Demo Disasters to Avoid!

May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015 2:00 PM
3:30 pm

Demonstrating your software to an audience? Don't make these mistakes!
You may be a whiz at developing software, but sometimes, technical people have trouble effectively demonstrating software. When learning a new technology, you wouldn't think twice before taking a class or reading tutorials online, right? You should think of demonstrating software the same way - it's a skill you need to learn, practice, and hone to get just right.
However, the vast majority of technical professionals have never had a day of training in software demonstration skills. Even those that consider themselves "good" may have no idea why they lost a deal or did not make the short list.
Never fear, Kaz is here!
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Steve "Kaz" Kasinetz has been demonstrating and teaching people how to demonstrate software for over 20 years. Kaz was the worldwide VP of Sales Engineering at SugarCRM, Eastern US Director of Sales Engineering at Epiphany, and a Principal Sales Engineer and Siebel Systems. As an individual contributor, he has been the lead Sales Engineer on over $100M in closed deals. As a manager, he has witnessed thousands of presentations. Kaz has trained hundreds of sales engineers on the principles of effective software demonstration. He is widely recognized among his peers as one of the best in the world at presenting software.
In this session, you will learn to avoid the 18 biggest mistakes people make when demonstrating software. You will learn other valuable tips and techniques for effectively demonstrating software and conveying your message.


Steve "Kaz" Kazinetz is owner and Chief Technology Office of Atcore Systems, where he is responsible for managing the firm’s consulting practice and resources, while expanding the strategic solutions that Atcore Systems supported in the CRM and BI fields. He was instrumental in helping the company grow by over 50% each year. He was also VP of Sales Engineering at SugarCRM, where he initiated comprehensive demo training program and best practices for SEs and sales reps. Trained sales force on demo techniques, crimes, presentation skills and time management; oversaw creation of scripts and videos for sales, service and marketing; developed vertical online demo environments; instituted certification program.