Village Verified Only: January Sales Huddle

Village Verified Lunch Huddles provide peer support for team members of Village Verified companies (more info here). Sales huddles are designed for your key sales team members who are responsible for growing your revenue. The purpose of these huddles is to provide insight and support from other sales professionals. Up to 2 representatives per company are invited to each huddle.
Lunch will be ready at 11:50 am, discussion begins promptly at 12:00 pm.
- 5 minute update per company: best of the month, worst of the month, most looking forward to, roadblocks (20 minutes)
- Lightning round questions: 3 questions (host picks) - each company answers (30-40 minutes)
- 20 minutes deep dive
Please RSVP here by January 15th.
This month's huddle is sponsored by:

Questions? Please email Lindsay Trinkle.
Membership starts here
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