
The Legal Life Planning Basics That Will Grow Your Tech Company (and Personal Assets) Exponentially

January 7, 2016
January 7, 2016 12:00 PM
1:00 pm
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As a tech entrepreneur, you have invested your heart and soul into your company. Your business may also be one of your largest assets so that’s why business planning is necessary for the security of your family and tech venture.
Do you have an adequate plan in place to protect your employees, intellectual property, and family if something were to happen to you? If not, that’s okay! Learn exactly what you need to know at Patton Law’s next Lunch and Learn.
On Thursday, January 7th, we’ll cover:

  • Why estate planning needs to matter to you and your company, even if you’re young and don’t have much money in the bank;
  • How handling your estate planning will support the growth of your tech venture;
  • How business and estate planning for tech entrepreneurs differs from regular planning, and;
  • What your next steps are if you want to be sure your family and company would be well-taken care of, if anything happens to you.

If possible, RSVP at so we can make sure to bring enough great food for everyone.
Jessi Patton is the founder of Patton Law, whose mission is to empower tech entrepreneurs by helping them build strong businesses and lasting legacies. Learn more at!
About the Speaker:

Photo of Jessi Patton

Jessi Patton serves entrepreneurs and their families because she is committed to helping everyone bring their greatest gifts into the world fearlessly and with joy. She knows mastering the foundational aspects of business building create the conditions of success and open the door to the impact and freedom we want from our life’s work.
Jessi attended American University, a top law school in Washington, DC to pursue a career in commerce after working in international development and trade. Although she enjoyed and thrived in the fast-pace DC culture, she realized her passion was talking to people about the things that matter most to them and helping them to accomplish their own life’s goals. After graduating with honors, she made the decision to forgo a job offer from the head of a federal trade agency and presidential appointee in order to create a law practice around helping entrepreneurs build their best life and business.
Jessi is a frequently requested speaker in the Atlanta tech and creative business world and enjoys educating her community on a variety of topics including business and contract law, family wealth planning, and asset protection.