
Startup Summer School #3 - Creating an MVP

June 16, 2022
June 16, 2022 12:00 PM
1:30 pm

Have an idea? Do you crave to build something? Each Thursday this summer, you will learn from the best in the industry about what it looks like to start your own company and how to do it well. The Village is all about growing startups in Atlanta. Our mission is to provide training, support, and guidance to new entrepreneurs. Let’s do this!

Creating an MVP with Seth Radman

We will explore how to build an MVP and validate your business hypothesis with customers — from choosing your technology stack, leveraging no code and low-code services, and having a successful product launch. We will also take a look at how to make sure you’re building the right product through feedback and data from customers.

About the Speaker: Seth Radman is an Atlanta-based tech entrepreneur and Georgia Tech alum who has started and grown multiple successful startups. He has built over 40 web and mobile apps and has been featured on the App Store 100+ times, including Apple’s App of the Day.Seth was previously the Founder & CEO of Crescendo, an AI music training app used by over 1 million musicians across the world that was acquired by Ultimate Guitar in 2019. Currently, he is Co-Founder & CTO at Infinite Giving, an automated investment platform for nonprofits. Seth has made speaking appearances at TEDx and SXSW, and he serves as a startup coach and advisor to startups in Atlanta and throughout the southeast.