
Office Hours with BrandGarage

January 12, 2015
January 12, 2015 12:00 PM
2:00 pm

How to Work with Big Brands: Land Your Next Corporate Customer (Open Office Hours with BrandGarage)

Location: Atlanta Tech Village (Community Center)
Date: Monday, January 12
Time: 12:00-2:00pm
Register for a time here!
Join BrandGarage for chicken and biscuits and an informal discussion on how to work with big brands. What’s the best way to approach a brand? Once you’re in, how do you close a deal? Learn about strategies and an upcoming opportunity to meet the Sears executive team at the Sears Retail Hackathon (Sears is currently working with three startups from previous events). BrandGarage kickstarts relationships between brands and startups.