
[CANCELLED] Make It Real: How to get traction

December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015 7:00 PM
9:00 pm

This event has been cancelled. We'll see you next month!

Every startup longs for rapid growth and adoption for their product. Ironically, founders often continue to focus on product development almost full time and expect growth to happen organically. This month, we'll be taking a deep dive into the best methods for generating traction, including best practices from real founders we’ve work with at
Some of the things we’ll be covering include:

  • What the #$% is a traction channel?
  • How do I pick the right channel for my startup?
  • Is there an affordable way to test multiple channels?
  • …and much more

Then we’ll do a workshop, showing you:

  • How to pick the three best channels for your startup
  • How to test those channels without breaking the bank
  • How to focus your efforts on optimizing the single best channel

RSVP Here!

Want to present your idea at an meetup and get feedback from the community? We’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us at or
If you have any questions before the next meetup feel free to post your question on the meetup wall or hit us up at our email above. We’d love to hear from you.
We can't wait to see everyone at the next meetup!
Yours in Realness,
Chris Turner & Justin Richards