AIMA Presents: Analytics β Tools, Techniques, and Insights for Social Media
We invite you to join us for an in depth look at how leading researchers and analyst use social media data to measure ROI and drive marketing strategy
Marketers are beginning to realize that social is important, but do not understand the business value of social media tactics. This event will provide analyst and others in the field real world examples of the benefits of social media measurement and hands on skills to take back to their organizations.
Jeffrey Hu, Associate professor of Management at Ga Tech is the keynote speaker and he will present his research Wisdom of Crowds: The Value of Stock Opinions Transmitted Through Social Media
Breakout Sessions:
- Social ROI techniques - to identify the offline and online return of social efforts - led by Shawn Mcgahee, Director, Data Insights at VML
- Social Tools and Techniques - a review of the resources used and needed for a robust social analytics practice - led by Ashley Sansnett, VP of Social Media Marketing at Suntrust Bank
Presented by

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