
B2BCamp UnMeetup

August 27, 2015
August 27, 2015 6:30 PM
8:30 pm

Join fellow B2B Marketing and Sales professionals for a workshop to discuss what’s working best today (and what isn’t working) in lead generation, nurturing, qualification and conversion.
This UnMeetup is for you if you have these questions:

  • Your are thinking about remarketing and retargeting -- should I be doing it?
  • Should I shift more dollars to social ads or stick to google adwords or do both...I am confused!?
  • My site is optimized but where is all of the organic traffic?
  • I want more out of marketing automation but not sure where to start?
  • What tools should Sales Development Reps lean on togenerate more leads?

By attending, you will be armed with tactics, tips and techniques for generating more leads and turning those leads into sales-ready opportunities for your salespeople. Save yourself from costly and time-consuming trial-and-error approaches to learning what works best in B2B Demand Generation by attending this workshop.
RSVP Here!