
Atlanta Web Performance Group Meetup

November 4, 2014
November 4, 2014 6:30 PM
8:00 pm
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The Hidden Cost of Web Components (*Plus Free Beer and Pizza!*)

Hello again Web Performance junkies! After a short break, we're back and ready for another meetup with a great new topic primed up from the development leads at Rigor:
The Hidden Cost of Web Components - by Hubert Liu and Kyle Conarro from Rigor
Eliminating slow or unnecessary HTTP requests is essential to maintaining fast websites. Identifying which requests should be removed, however, can prove difficult. In this session, we'll present a new way of analyzing HAR data that ranks the various components of a website by the cost they have on performance

About the meetup
As usual, we'll have beer, soda and pizza, so come hungry and thirsty. Once again we'll be in the main conference room on the first floor of the Atlanta Tech Village, 3423 PIEDMONT RD NE, ATLANTA, GA 30305.
Approach the parking deck from the rear entrance off Lenox Rd (Tower Pl Dr NE, in front of On the Border, DSW Shoes, etc.). Parking in the deck is free during the meetup timeslot.
Food and drinks will be ready at 6:30, presentation at 7.
See you there!