
AIMA: Video Marketing + Marketing Automation = The Key to Generating More Leads

March 26, 2015
March 26, 2015 8:00 AM
9:30 am

You might be a forward-thinking, early-adopter of marketing automation, but chances are you’re still perfecting your processes and nurturing programs—especially when it comes to leveraging video into your campaigns.
Join us for breakfast at the next AIMA Marketing Automation SIG and discover how you can begin to strategically incorporate video into your marketing automation efforts to improve your overall results, produce valuable and compelling content, better target your prospects, improve customer engagement and increase your lead generation efforts.
Register Here!

We'll cover topics such as:
• Pushing video engagement data into an individual prospect's record
• Tracking video data best practices
• Lead scoring examples with and without video
• How to leverage powerful video content across channels and across the customer life cycle